Art and Multimedia B.A.
- Art and Multimedia at LMU
- Choosing minor subject
- Language requirements
- Application and admission procedure
Art and Multimedia at LMU
Since the creation and processing of visual and audio documents are rapidly being shifted to digital, computerised technology, numerous design-related, creative or media-oriented careers already require both technical know-how and design-related creative skills. Completely new creative possibilities, which require expert command of technical and creative principles and skills, are emerging in the field of production of multimedia content.
While traditional degree programs have concentrated on imparting either technical and scientific or artistic and creative knowledge, ability and skills, the interdisciplinary Art and Multimedia bachelor degree program offers both at the same time. It builds bridges between art, design/media design, art education and media information technology, thus facilitating pioneering training in the field of art and the media.
The technical, scientific field is essentially covered by the compulsory minor subject “Media information technology”. The integration of academic, reflective knowledge with artistic, creative practice, communication skills and the ability to work in a team ensures forward-looking professional training. The degree course imparts comprehensive knowledge, which, amongst other things, is designed to promote communication skills between careers which are technically or scientifically oriented and those with an artistic, creative orientation. The focus of the training is in the artistic, creative field.
The Art and Multimedia bachelor degree program is intended to instil the ability to recognize, analyse and solve the problems and relationships of art and design/media design, with the integration of the deployed analogue and digital media technologies, in theory and practice. The connection of the degree program to the study of art education is conducive to a consideration of the content of the degree program from a didactic point of view.
The fields of activity are located wherever meaning and self-image of the media society are updated, imparted or reflected and where responsible, independent, creative and critical conceptual creators, designers and decision-makers are, therefore, in demand. The double qualification, on the one hand in artistic media design and, on the other hand in the technical implementation by means of modern multimedia technologies, right up to programming of media-related software, provides the degree holders with profound insights into the relationships which are necessary for the successful designing of innovative multimedia products.
The degree is intended to prepare the student for a variety of professional fields of work and, later in their careers, to enable them to change between different fields. The Art and Multimedia bachelor degree program is particularly intended to promote flexibility and mobility, because, in view of the ongoing structural transformations in the artistic, creative and media fields, it is currently hard to predict the future. The professional profile imparted in the Art and Multimedia degree program will be attractive for many occupational fields, e.g. trade, media and service providers in the multimedia field, media agencies, training and further education, advertising and work in cultural institutions.
On the website of the institute you will find a table presenting the study program for the Art and Multimedia B.A. program at LMU.
Choosing minor subject
The Art and Multimedia B.A. is tied to the minor subject Media Information Technology. 120 ECTS can be acquired in the major subject Art Education and 60 ECTS in the minor subject Media Information Technology.
The artistic, creative teaching content at the Institute of Art Education makes up approximately two thirds of the degree program and that of the minor subject at the Institute of Media Information Technology one third.
Language requirements
Courses are carried out in German. All foreign-degree applicants must prove their proficiency through an approved German language certificate (level B2). On the main LMU website you will find more information on accepted language certificates and on German language courses.
Application and admission procedure
Studies can only be started in winter semester. Since the Art and Multimedia degree is an artistic degree program, in addition to the central application to the LMU there is also a procedure to assess the suitability of the candidates.The selection procedure for the subject of Art and Multimedia consists of a preselection of the applicants, a practical examination and an oral examination. The applicant submits a portfolio with his/her own artistic work for the preselection procedure.
General information on admission and enrollment you will find on the main LMU website